St. Valentine’s Dinner & Social
After a Covid-interrupted hiatus of two years, the St. Valentine’s Dinner & Social returned to St Mary of the People.

There was great food and loads of laughs from the almost 100 attendees, including parishioners from other local parishes.

We couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to snap a photo of Phil, Joe, Garry & Vince, the four remaining charter members of Council 8611.

Our Grand Knight Ken Young takes a break from serving for a quick photo with our chaplain Fr. Bollo, fresh from his cataract surgery.

After such a successful evening, and as we continue to return to normal, you can be sure to count on more such events in the future. Until then, don’t miss out on the next social event, our Pancake Breakfast, Sunday February 19th with two sittings at 10 am and 12 pm.
A Happy St. Valentine’s Day to all!