Pancake Breakfast 2025

Note to self: put out more chairs next year.

And with that reminder, it goes without saying that the annual St Mary of the People Parish Pancake Breakfast (co-hosted by the Knights of Columbus and CWL) was a resounding success.

With a healthy contingent after the 9 o’clock mass, the parish hall was absolutely rammed following the 11 o’clock mass. Thankfully the pancakes had been flipping since the early hours and so no one was left looking for anything to eat. Far from it.

As always, many hands make light work and this year in particular we had tremendous support from not just the old guard (Nino, Brendan, Phil, Joe and others) but numerous new or new-to-our-council Knights. In particular: Sam Bosnick, Denish Paskaran, Christian Timperley, Dean Eastman, Stephen Rowlands and Douglas Francis. The Knights definitely lived up to their calling of Fraternity this past weekend!

Of course, none of this would be possible with out the serving and support of the Catholic Women’s League members, as well as numerous other volunteers from the parish (you know who you are).

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